Friday, 4 June 2010

I'll Find My Vibrational Balance

The things that you have and the things that you do are all meant to enhance your state of being. In other words, its all about how you feel, and how you feel is all about coming into alignment with (who you really are)When you tend to your alignment first, then the things you gather and the actions you perform only enhance your good feeling state of being, but if you do not find that vibrational balance first and attempt to make yourself feel better by bringing more things to into your experience or participating in more activities in order to make yourself feel better, you just get further out of balance.
We are not guiding you away from accumilating things or from taking action, because all of that is an essensiel part of your physical experience. In other words, you intended the wonderful experience of exploring the details of your physical world in order to help you personally determine your own joyous growth and expansion, but when you try to move forward from an imbalanced footing, it is always uncomfortable. ( If you will begin identifying how you want to FEEL, or BE, and let your inspiration to ACCUMULATE or to DO come from the centered place, then not only will you maintain your balance, but you will now enjoy the things you gather and the things what you do.

     Passage from. Money And The Law Of Attraction
                           Authers Esther and Jerry Hicks

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Attracting by Default

The Law of Attraction is always in your life just like gravity or any other Law of Nature.   The Law of Attraction can be defined by whatever you think about most manifests itself in your life". But are you attracting what you want? Or are you "attracting by default," and bringing what you don't want into your life over and over again?, You are either attracting wealth or poverty it can only be one or the other. One way of attracting more money into your life is you have to begin by telling the storey of your life the way you now want it to be and not of how it has been or how it is, this is a small but potential way to change your life into a life of abundance